Temperature should be 55°F or above. Optimum temperature range is 70°F to 80°F.
Wood requires no special preliminary treatment; however, the most efficient bonds develop when the wood
has been resurfaced just prior to applying glue.
Moisture content of wood may run as high as 15% but best bonds are obtained when moisture content
ranges between 8% and 12%.
Wood surfaces should be smooth and snug fitting. Avoid excessive
sanding or handling of joint surfaces. Spread glue evenly onto surfaces, assemble within 5 to 7 minutes and
clamp if possible. Clamp or weight for a minimum of 30 minutes. Allow to dry overnight before sanding
and handling.
Soft wallboard, Celotex, etc., should be presized with diluted
glue before gluing (equal parts of water and glue). Allow haze to disappear and then apply full strength to
board surface. Press together. Allow to remain undisturbed at least one hour.
Apply glue to one surface. Use sufficient pressure to assure contact of
all gluing surfaces. When glue becomes colorless, a full strength bond has been formed. Tempered
hardboard produces the best results when scuff-sanded before applying glue.
Use a thin uniform coat of glue on one surface. Bonding time same as wood to wood.
Remove all old adhesive or finish. Coat all surfaces with glue, assemble parts and
clamp. Allow to dry overnight. Excess glue should be removed immediately with a damp cloth prior to
Assembly time (from application of glue to application of pressure) should not exceed 10
minutes, and in general, should be as soon as possible after glue application. Length of time glue may be
exposed to the air is determined by the absorbtivity of the substrates, moisture content and relative humidity
of the air.
May range from 25 to 100 lbs. per square inch, depending upon the fit of the joint. Soft
wood and carefully cut hard woods can be glued at relatively low pressure. A carefully machined, close
fitting joint requires much less pressure than a rough fitting one. Pressure of 25 to 50 lbs. per square inch is
usually sufficient on well fitted parts. Higher pressures are necessary for rough cut joints. However, high
bonding pressure does not compensate for poor fitting joints. Pressure may be applied by spring clamps,
“C” clamps, wood clamps, inflated bags, mechanical or hydraulic presses. Excellent for glue-nail
Almost immediately for fabrics and paper. On flat laminations and tight fitting joints,
pressure may be released before glue has completely set if rough handling is avoided. The pressure period
will vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the species of wood, thickness of the lay-up,
temperature and relative humidity at the time of gluing. Pressure periods for spruce, mahogany, poplar,
maple and birch are approximately the same. Under normal conditions, joint reaches maximum strength in
72 hours.
Heat may be used to accelerate the drying period if desired. Drying chambers, heat lamps, hot press platens,
heat rooms, or any suitable method for imparting heat to the assembly is acceptable. If heat is used, the
assembly must be held under pressure until sufficiently cooled to maintain bond.
Work glue into the pores of both wood surfaces. Apply sufficient glue to result in squeeze out when parts
are assembled.
On rough or uneven cuts, a double application may be necessary.
Spread thinly for fabrics, canvas, paper, etc. Use heavier spread for wood joints.
Use a stiff bristle brush, mechanical glue spreader or spray. Dampen brush bristles with glue just prior to
spreading for uniform brush coating.
Large surfaces can be sprayed. The consistency of glue can be adjusted for spraying by thinning with clear
water not to exceed 15% (100 parts glue to 15 parts water).
Do not expose to lacquer thinner.
Approximately 225 sq. ft./gallon
(25-30 sq. ft./lb. of glue, or 35-40
lbs./1000 sq. ft. of glue line)
Clean Up:
If brushes and applicators are kept wet with glue until ready for cleaning they can be easily cleaned with water.
Squeeze out excess glue while still fluid and remove with a clean cloth dampened with water. Cured glue must
be cut or scraped away.